Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Kelly Caines, DPT

What an incredibly special day :D

It was such a great honor to share my achievement with dear family and friends!! I am deeply grateful for each and every person that contributed to my completion of this degree and season of my life!

These people are the reason I completed the program!! I truly believe no great feat is accomplished alone.

Don't worry my Cousin Jon and favorite MOH were there too!! Sara rushed from work, that was one of my most favorite hugs of all time!!

There are also several peeps that are not pictured that deserve my great thanks!! If you have known me for any portion of the past 3 years. You helped me earn this degree!! You loved, comforted, and supported while I acted like a complete crazy person :)

And extra special thank you to Aunt Cindy for taking these AMAZING photos!!


Thursday, December 15, 2011


Sittin here with my hot chocolate and peppermint bark with Celine Dion singing "Oh Holy Night". Just reflecting on family and friends and how precious they are to my heart. Thinking about wonderful memories, memories that would not have been possible if not for one spectacular Holy night.

Matthew 1:23

"Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son,
and they shall call his name Immanuel"
(which means, God with us)

Lord, thank you for continuing to dwell among us through your Holy Spirit. May we bless your name in all that we do.

Some of my favorite Christmas Memories :D

Christmas 2003: Snow in Oregon!! My mom and brother got into a SERIOUS snowball fight. Kim showed NO MERCY, hahaha

EPIC hallway race to the presents of 2006!! An annul tradition in the Case household.

First Christmas with Erik!!

My last Christmas living at home. We wanted to give Trav a special wake up :)

Christmas 2010 our first married Christmas in our own home!! The absolute best!!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Showing Up!!

Welp!! I think the blog (blogger) as hit an all-time low for lack of posting. But whatever, I blog when I feel like it. My promise to myself is this would not become ONE MORE obligation.

Today, has been a sweet day! God speaks to me in the most random, wonderful ways that I question will hold meaning for anyone else, but its just so exciting to me that I have to share :)

As I was finishing up my Jillian Michael's workout (that I have neglected for far too long) in my family room, sweaty, breathing as though I had ran a marathon, heart pounding in my ears, Jillian said something I SO NEEDED to hear. Forgive me, the quote will not be exact, due to lack of oxygen and my body/ mind going into shock because I have gotten way to used to being lazy.

So anyways, I am stretching and Jillian says, So many people dont show up in their own lives. They dont try because they are afraid of failing. And this made me think of all the times I have not even tried because I am afraid it wont be perfect. How often I dont "show up" in my own life, just watching life and only jumping in when it feels safe. This fear of failing results in countless missed opportunities and many unfulfilling days. Each day my prayer is to mindfully live in the present. To show up with my best effort. To invest in my mind, body, and soul with purpose and passion.

For the month of December I am going to challenge myself to daily list the ways I "showed up" in my life. Because I know small daily decisions lead to big change. I am going to list even the small things, like flossing my teeth. Because its about an attitude shift one that says I care about my mind, body, and soul and therefore I will care for my mind, body and soul.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Daring Greatly

Is anybody still out there??!! J I have wanted to post for a long time. The saying is true if you need to get something done ask a busy person. My life has become less hectic with school obligations, but I find my days pass me by and I wonder what I have accomplished??

School and life is starting to pick up again, I will write more about this later. BUT first I have been thinking about and wanting to share one of my favorite quotes since watching a very cool movie.

The movie is The Worlds Fastest Indian, an inspiring biographical movie about a man’s quest to set a new land speed record. The main character, Burt, references one of my very favorite quotes by Theodore Roosevelt.

Here is a link to a clip from the movie:

The entire quote is as follows:

“ It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly… who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself in a worthy cause, who at best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement & who at worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold & timid souls who have never known neither victory nor defeat”

--Theodore Roosevelt

I know the pain of failure and I know the excitement that accompanies success. My prayer is that I continue to live passionately acknowledging that I have been called to a specific purpose. To know one’s purpose is to know her true self, who God intended her to be, and what she is doing. She also has the determination to accomplish what it is she is purposed to do. My prayer is that I never become stagnant with fear and uncertainty. But rather, purposefully and wisely choose my path. Everyday each of us is called to dare greatly for a worthy cause; there are only 2 choices: to join or to watch.

2 Timothy 1: 7

For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love, and of self-discipline

1 Corinthians15: 58

Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.

Disclaimer: The Worlds Fastest Indian is rated PG-13 for brief language, drug use and a sexual reference. Because of this, I would not recommend everyone watch this movie, as some of the content could be offensive.

Monday, February 14, 2011


We are so stoked for these two to get married :) They are an amazing couple and wonderful friends! Love them!
My favorite decoration :) I stare at it every morning. The one on top is from my mom, the middle is our cake topper and the one on bottom is from Donna. These beautiful trinkets remind me of the women I want to grow up to be. Mom and Donna remind me what's important in life.
Beautiful, wonderful, sweet Paige! Richard and Amanda are awesome parents :) We are taking notes!
The best Christmas surprise. I use it with excitement every morning and feel like a movie star :) Yep, Im that chessy!
These guys make me laugh ALL the time! So, so special to my heart!

Ok, friends/fam.. Its your turn. Send me e-mails, pictures, etc. What is your happiness?
Love YOU!!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Oh joyful, thankful, wonderful life!

Something just occurred to me in the past couple of weeks. I am more vocal and outspoken when I am struggling, going through a hard time, in times of stress or worry. In contrast in times of joy and thankfulness, I keep to myself. I think my ultimate motive is not wanting to brag. How ridiculous is this? The Lord has given me everything, every blessing, every moment of joy, excitement, every fun time, every good thing in my life has come from HIM. It is a disservice to Him to not share the amazing things He is doing!! I am thankful for all God is doing in our lives, Let me tell you how good He is. I am finishing up my final internship of three. My passion for PT continues to grow. I have no idea where I am headed in the PT world but I am so thankful for my education and the internships I was assigned. I am going to be a teacher’s assistant for the neurology class next quarter, this is such an exciting opportunity! I will be forced to review, and hopefully learn even more J Erik continues to LOVE his job. He works with incredibly fun, talented people. If you haven’t checked out his blog lately, you should. His home studio is up and running!! We are so thankful he has his own space to create and continue personal art projects. We are also LOVING weekends, what an incredible blessing. We have never had this luxury together. Two days to do whatever we want, pure bliss!! Also, a few friends are pregnant. We are not ready to experience this joy ourselves, but it has been so fun to be a part of their journey!! And we are soooo excited for tons of baby holding, cuddling!! Bottom line: God is good. We will forever be thankful for this time in our lives, I know we will always look back with such a fondness of this first year as husband and wife J

1 Corinthians 1:30-31

It is because of him that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God—that is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption. Therefore, as it is written: “Let the one who boasts boast in the Lord”.

Psalm 34:1-3

I will bless the LORD at all times; his praise shall continually be in my mouth. My soul makes its boast in the LORD; let the humble hear and be glad. Oh, magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt his name together!