Today, has been a sweet day! God speaks to me in the most random, wonderful ways that I question will hold meaning for anyone else, but its just so exciting to me that I have to share :)
As I was finishing up my Jillian Michael's workout (that I have neglected for far too long) in my family room, sweaty, breathing as though I had ran a marathon, heart pounding in my ears, Jillian said something I SO NEEDED to hear. Forgive me, the quote will not be exact, due to lack of oxygen and my body/ mind going into shock because I have gotten way to used to being lazy.
So anyways, I am stretching and Jillian says, So many people dont show up in their own lives. They dont try because they are afraid of failing. And this made me think of all the times I have not even tried because I am afraid it wont be perfect. How often I dont "show up" in my own life, just watching life and only jumping in when it feels safe. This fear of failing results in countless missed opportunities and many unfulfilling days. Each day my prayer is to mindfully live in the present. To show up with my best effort. To invest in my mind, body, and soul with purpose and passion.
For the month of December I am going to challenge myself to daily list the ways I "showed up" in my life. Because I know small daily decisions lead to big change. I am going to list even the small things, like flossing my teeth. Because its about an attitude shift one that says I care about my mind, body, and soul and therefore I will care for my mind, body and soul.